Friday, March 13, 2009

Is my child a bully?.

Is sad to say this but according to research and other information,school students have reported an increase in bullying with severe consequences to themselves and their schools.

Bullying can be physical, emotional or social.

A recent study showed that 23% of all school students reported being the victims of a bully. Is bullying a big problem?. Yes it is. It make kids feel hurt, scared, sick, lonely, embarrassed,sad, powerless, and unable to protect themselves. According to bullying research the victims of bullying can loose interest in school because it becomes an unpleasant place to be and at least 12 children commit suicide each year because they are being bullied at school. Is bullying an uncontrollable situation?. No. Bullying is a behavior and behavior can be controlled, change or managed. There are training available for teachers and school administrators dealing with bullying and developing affective policies on bullying. These training helps schools assess and create a positive school climate.

Do you know why a child becomes a bully?. Well, there are many reasons. When a child feels unloved, alone, isolated and suffer relationship problems because friendship building skills on empathy have never been learned. This child needs attention, so decided to bullying, hoping to get the attention.

Now that you know about bullying, what you would do if your child is being bullied?. First, need to advice your child to ignore the bully, or to look for help,with a teacher, administrator or any adult near him/her.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Domestic Violence.

All my blogs are about abuse. As you know there are many kind of abuse. Such as child, teacher, student, elderly and wife abuse which are considered as domestic violence too. Today I will write about domestic violence. It is also considered as emotional abuse. These are behaviours used by one person in a relationship to control the other.

As we all know violence can be criminal. It includes physical assault, sexual abuse which is unwanted or forced sexual activity. The violence takes many forms and can happen all the time or once in a while. It is very important for us to recognize the warning signs of this violence. It will help us to preventing or stopping it.

Always remember that anyone can be a victim. It does not matter the age, sex, race, culture, religion, education, employment or marital status. So just be careful.

Do you think that domestic violence happened only on women?, I do not know what you answer is, but if you think that it happened to men too, let me tel you that you are right. There are many men abused by their wife. I understand that the most victims are women, but there are a lots of men who are battered.

Why do you think is hard to stop a domestic violence?. Well, most people who are suffering domestic violence do not stop it because exists any kind of fear retaliation against themselves or against their children by the abuser. Also when women's self esteem is low, they are unable to see themselves as worthy of seeking help.

As I tell you, it can happened to any body. it does not matter color, age, sex, education, employment, religion, culture, or marital status. just be careful. If this happened to you, please do not ignore it. Look for help.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Elder mistreatment

Elder abuse is any form of mistreatment that result in harm or loss to an older person. it is generally divided into six (6) categories such as : physical, sexual, psychological, financial, neglect and domestic violence.

According to National Committee for the Prevention of Elder Abuse (NCPEA),it is generally believe that 4 - 6 % of the elderly are abused. Approximately 450,000 elderly experienced abused in 1996 nation wide. If self neglect is included, the number is 551,000.

Who do you think are the perpetrators?. Well, those may be acquaintances, sons, daugthers, grandchildren, etc. Is sad to admit that most of the perpetrators are in the family. What is worse some perpetrators have alcohol or substance abuse problems. Here are some of the signs of physical, psychological and financial abuse, which I think are the most common in elder abuse. The physical abuse, is any physical force that results is bodily injury, pain or impairment. The psychological abuse, is the willful infliction of mental or emotional anguish by threat, humiliation, etc, and the financiall abuse, is the illegal or improper use of an older person's funds, property or resources. The perpetrators of psychological abuse against the elderly often take advantage of their vulnerability in ways that control and humiliate the victim, including: denying or creating long waits for food, medication, heat or basic care. Also taking the victim's walker, glasses, or dentures. The effects of these psychological abuse are more likely to experience poor physical health, emotional or mental impairment.

We have to be careful with our elder relatives. Make sure that they are in good hands and with responsible people. If you know about some kind of elder mistreatment report it to the National Committee for the prevention of elder abuse.

If you are one of those perpetrators that take advantage of older people think about this saying "what goes around comes around", soon or later you will be one of those.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Elderly Abuse?.

Every person, every man, and child deserves to be treated with respect and with caring. No matter how young or how old deserves to be safe from harm by those who live with them, care for them, or come in day to day contact with them. Every day, families across the nation place loved ones in the care of nursing homes. They trust these facilities to provide a safe, nurturing environment and quality care. According to a Federal Government Study, 30 percent of U.S. nursing homes were cited for almost 9,000 cases of abuse between January 1999 and January 2001. In the United States approximately 17,000 nursing homes currently care for 1.6 million residents. This number is expected to quadruple to 6.6 million residents by 2050.

We need to know and understand that Elder abuse, under any circumstances, is a crime. According to the U.S.Government Accounting Office incidents of abuse are seldom reported to police.

What do you think are the causes of nursing home abuse?. There are many causes of abuse such as inexperienced staff, Inadequate resources to conduct investigations, the stressful working conditions, etc. I think the most common cause is the Economic. With a widening gap between Medicaid payment and actual costs of care. Nursing home facilities must often cope with severely limited resources. Now I think that the greatest challenge to caregivers are those patients with dementia. How these poor staff training will manage those patients?.

All senior citizens deserve a peaceful, healthy and trouble free retired life. Most of these senior citizens have paid taxes and contributed to the benefits of society. Now it is the opportunity for society to repay them. Don't you think so?.

Monday, March 2, 2009

I can not believe it.

As you know there are many kinds of abuse. Abuse is a maltreatment, a corrupt practice. I also think that abuse is an improper use of power.

What do you think when a teacher is abuse by his/her students, and the abuse is totally extreme that the teacher has to leave her job and look for another place were to work because no body helped her. This problem happened four years ago to one of my friends who works for the District 75, which is Special Education. The principal new what happened but didn't take any action against the student. So the teacher calls to 911 and reported the problem. The police came to school and after the investigation arrested the student. But what a surprise the student came back to school next day. He went to look for his teacher and said "hi, I am back", and laugh on the teacher's face. How do you think this teacher felt in that moment?. Of course she felt humiliate by the student. She is human. She has feelings. So she decided to asks the principal to remove the student from her classroom. The principal answer was "he will be remove for three days;after three days he will come back to the classroom. During these three days the student was in another classroom. He said that he new the police just made believe to do something against him but he is in a Special Education because he has problems. He also said that he knows that he has an IEP, and it explains his ADD problem.Also he is a teenager so they can do nothing against him. No body can blame him for what he did. What do you think about this?. I'm sure if this problem were reverse. The teacher abusing her student. The Principal's reaction were different. Like many cases, but because is the student who abuse his teacher no body say or do anything to help the teacher.

You must be asking what this student did to the teacher that she had to leave her job?, and how this happened?. Well according to what Mary my friend explains me; the student was disrupting the class when she was reading a book. He was screaming, throwing paper balls and disrespecting her. She asked the student to please stop disrupting the class. The student's answer was make me. For a second time she asked the students to stop or leave the room. The students responded make me to stop or make me leave the room. So Mary, looked for help by calling the crisis team. When the student saw her calling he jumped over her and pulled her hair, slapped her face and spited on her body, by that time the crisis team was in the class room and restrain the student. Mary, wrote the incident report and asked the principal to take actions with the student, but she refused.

Don't you think that Mary, not only as a teacher, but also as a human been was physically, psychological and emotional abuse by her student?. What do you think Mary, should do?. If you work in a special education school you know that what I'm writing happen to teachers in many special education schools. This is nothing new.