Is sad to say this but according to research and other information,school students have reported an increase in bullying with severe consequences to themselves and their schools.
Bullying can be physical, emotional or social.
A recent study showed that 23% of all school students reported being the victims of a bully. Is bullying a big problem?. Yes it is. It make kids feel hurt, scared, sick, lonely, embarrassed,sad, powerless, and unable to protect themselves. According to bullying research the victims of bullying can loose interest in school because it becomes an unpleasant place to be and at least 12 children commit suicide each year because they are being bullied at school. Is bullying an uncontrollable situation?. No. Bullying is a behavior and behavior can be controlled, change or managed. There are training available for teachers and school administrators dealing with bullying and developing affective policies on bullying. These training helps schools assess and create a positive school climate.
Do you know why a child becomes a bully?. Well, there are many reasons. When a child feels unloved, alone, isolated and suffer relationship problems because friendship building skills on empathy have never been learned. This child needs attention, so decided to bullying, hoping to get the attention.
Now that you know about bullying, what you would do if your child is being bullied?. First, need to advice your child to ignore the bully, or to look for help,with a teacher, administrator or any adult near him/her.