Saturday, March 7, 2009

Elder mistreatment

Elder abuse is any form of mistreatment that result in harm or loss to an older person. it is generally divided into six (6) categories such as : physical, sexual, psychological, financial, neglect and domestic violence.

According to National Committee for the Prevention of Elder Abuse (NCPEA),it is generally believe that 4 - 6 % of the elderly are abused. Approximately 450,000 elderly experienced abused in 1996 nation wide. If self neglect is included, the number is 551,000.

Who do you think are the perpetrators?. Well, those may be acquaintances, sons, daugthers, grandchildren, etc. Is sad to admit that most of the perpetrators are in the family. What is worse some perpetrators have alcohol or substance abuse problems. Here are some of the signs of physical, psychological and financial abuse, which I think are the most common in elder abuse. The physical abuse, is any physical force that results is bodily injury, pain or impairment. The psychological abuse, is the willful infliction of mental or emotional anguish by threat, humiliation, etc, and the financiall abuse, is the illegal or improper use of an older person's funds, property or resources. The perpetrators of psychological abuse against the elderly often take advantage of their vulnerability in ways that control and humiliate the victim, including: denying or creating long waits for food, medication, heat or basic care. Also taking the victim's walker, glasses, or dentures. The effects of these psychological abuse are more likely to experience poor physical health, emotional or mental impairment.

We have to be careful with our elder relatives. Make sure that they are in good hands and with responsible people. If you know about some kind of elder mistreatment report it to the National Committee for the prevention of elder abuse.

If you are one of those perpetrators that take advantage of older people think about this saying "what goes around comes around", soon or later you will be one of those.

1 comment:

  1. It is very hard when you are carng for the elderly. Its like caring for children, especially they ones who are suffering from mental illnesses. Many times these elders get abused because they are being cared for by people who are not trained to care for them I voluenteer at an adult day care center. I was at first a bit frustrated and at times wonder if this is the right field for me. Then I leardned that these were people who were doctors one was a professor at Columbia University. one was a New York City Detective. One was a dancer for James Brown and when I look now and watch how they deteoriate day after day it made me wonder if this will be my faith. This is what we have to think about when we are caring for the elderly this might be our faith, therefore we must treat them good, we must respect them and care for them the way how we want to be treated when we get there because we will get old and we will need help and we will want to be treated with respect and not to be abused. We have to be patient and by patient I mean real patient to deal with the elderly. Because they are not in the right frame of mind they are still someones family.
