Friday, February 27, 2009

Does Teacher Abuse Exists?

Abuse happens when the perpetrator needs to keep the victim silent. It makes the victim fearful and unwilling to reveal what is happenning. Abuse only happen when something needs to be hidden, when a relationship is unhealthy, and when inhumanity replaces humanity. It is a sign of disfunction and needs to be addressed for what it is and for what is concealing.

Until child abuse and wifeabuse were publicly acknowledged, people simply could not believe it could be true. What parents would harm their children? What man would beat his own wife? It made no sense

Now the question is Do you think "Teacher Abuse Exists?. I do not know what your answer is, but if it is hard for you to believe that teacher abuse exists remember that for many years, no one believe child abuse or sexual abuse in the church could be happening. Now I invite you to think about all problems in education that seem to be unsolvable, such as difficulty attacting and keeping teachers. Also think about the slipping scores that have put our country well behind globally, and like these examples there are more and more. All these problems exists because teacher abuse exists

1 comment:

  1. Teacher abuse does exist

    I learned about this the hard way. parents should pay careful attention to the children's complain and do not dismiss it as nothing. sometimes children complain about there teachers because they do not want to do there class work, they do not understand the class work or maybe they are been abused by there teacher. When a child does very well in all his/hers classes except one ask why. when a teacher has her student in tears in her class and outside of class. when your child does not want to go to school or do want to upset her teacher by asking to go to the bathroom you need to ask questions. It might be a day off from work or a day off your regular schedule but this is not something to dismiss.

    Not everyone are teachers many people more than you can imagine teach not beacuse they love to teach. This is something you have to do because you love it. I sometimes tell my children i dont know how there baby sitters or teachers cope with them. These are little people with different personalities that the caretaker or teachers have to adapt to and learn to deal with.

    Still they have it easier than parents there is no guide to being a parent and at the end of the day they go home. you dont go to school and learn to be a parent at least not that i know of. teachers take many psychology classes and courses that give them the knowlegde to deal with these children. If the teacher has self control they should be able to control the students If not advise the parents so additional steps can be taken. I am not talking about children with learning disorder, or any behavioral problems. I'a talking about healty children who are just afrad of there teacher.

    Stop yelling, it doesn't help
    By Caroline Milburn
    "Many of these difficult kids believe the teacher is playing the man and not the ball and the data from the study supports that," said Dr Lewis, associate professor at La Trobe's school of educational studies. "If any teacher gives them any hint of dislike or rejection they're very quick to pick up on that and their behaviour worsens. It's important for teachers locked in this spiral to recognise that the only behaviour they can control is their own. If they can do that then the child is more likely to co-operate."
    If the child is afraid they will not coorperate of the teacher does not have to be afraid to be hurt physically they will respond sometimes by shutting down. we need to pay attention to our children's complaints yelling at the student is mental abuse which can have serious consequences.
