Why do you think students abuse their teachers? There are many reasons why students abuse their teacher. The first one is, when a child do not have the base or the foundation of behavior and learning, this will abuse the teacher or any adult. This foundation start in elementary school. Pr. K.., K, first, second and third grade. I think it is the age when a child needs to receive the foundation of behavior and learning. I also think that students abuse their teacher when they know that there are no consequences for what they do. It means that the school where they assist have no discipline. what is worse their parents have no control on them. This is why students do what they want. Parents are the first teacher at home, then school teachers are the second. The discipline start at home. There are situations where parents have no control over their children because they have a dysfunctional family. A single mother, single father, the child is on grandma's responsibility, etc, etc. So the child not only feel insecure but also has no respect for the adult. Most of these children have no one who takes the time for them. Is sad but is the reality. Here is another reason why students abuse their teacher. Since teacher can not spank a child's hand anymore or lay one finger on them, children can get away with any thing in school.
I work as a para in a Special Education Middle School. I see and I know how students disrespect the paras, teachers, even the principal. Students have respect for nobody. Students abuse the staff in different ways such as verbal, physical,emotional etc. For verbal abuse, they curse, call names, etc. For physical abuse, the students throw books, chairs, pencils what ever they have in their hands. It is not only with the staff but also with other students. They also leave the class room when they want. They go to the halls and mess with others.
What the teacher can do in this situation?. Not much just put the student in time out. If this doesn't work then call the parent, and let them know that the child is misbehaving. If this second, doesn't work then the third one is send the student to the Principal's office, but when the student have no respect for the principal he or she care less what the principal does. Most of the time what the principal does is suspend the student for one or two days until the parent or guardian come to school with him or with her.
I think the discipline start at home. When a child have no respect for the teacher, he doesn't respect the parent either. Children know that teacher can do nothing to them. What is worse when a student know that they can do whatever they want and have no consequences then they rule their classroom and ran the school. Don't you think it is crazy?. What is your comment to this?.
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