Monday, February 23, 2009


the fear of strangers and of the unknown. I think is very scary to know he that the content of the video 'DID YOU KNOW'?, is about the technology. It explains how the Technology is advancing in our planet. It also shows how our country the United States is far behind of others in the area of education. According to the video there are some countries in Europe that are preparing their children and youth not only for the present time but also for the future. Do you know what xenophobic means?. It means technology and the Internet are growing so fast . For me in particular is no that easy to deal with the technology. I did not grow up with it. Imaging to have a computer twenty years ago in my country El Salvador, it was only for those who had money. twenty years ago computers were very expensive. Still ex pensive for those who are low income, when the salary is just for rent. Technology and the Internet is not that easy for adults. Adults with low literacy may encounter obstacles to deal with the Internet. It is because most of the Web sites that have good information require at least a high- school reading proficiency for optimal access.tell you how this technology is growing every day and it is scary because if you do not know how to deal with it you will feel lost. It make you feel uncomfortable. It also make you feel strange when you do not understand the technology vocabulary. It feel like you are in a place where you do not know what to do or where to go. Have you ever been in a foreign country? where you do not understand the language they speak and when you try your best to communicate with others and you can't because is something new for you. what about when strangers laugh about you because you have a bad pronunciation?What is worse you feel uncomfortable when everything is strange for you. It happening to me right now in the computer class . Working with "blogs", this word is new for me. Everything related with blogs is new for me, and I am trying my best because I need to pass this class. I am dealing with something that is unknow for me. It also scary when you find out about how far a way are our children in education comparing with those country who are ahead in technology.

The video Did you know? and the reading class relate in history, how the technology began, how it is now and how it will be in the future. When the technology began the mass media was One- to many, now is Many - to Many and in the future how do you think it will be?.

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